Hope in Stage 4
Hope has arrived for those who suffer.
Many people who have been told to go home and die as comfortably as they can are today cancer free.
We were there. A life cut short with no medical hope. But then sequencing revealed our genetic defects and Dr. Leyland-Jones told us, “I know how to treat this.” When he said those words, our downcast souls were lifted up and we wrote on the whiteboard in that exam room…hope has arrived.
Please, don’t give up. Ask God for strength. The drivers of cancer are known. Their treatments are rapidly being discovered. There’s new medical hope, even in Stage 4 Cancer.
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How to find God’s hope, strength and peace
Note: We are not doctors and we cannot answer your medical questions. For help, we urge you to consult the physicians we recommend in “best clinics”. However, we welcome your questions about finding hope and knowing God.