God, Please Help Me
Cancer has me frozen with fear. God, if you’re there, please help.
With cancer comes that nagging, gnawing fear, especially in the dark of night.
Even in the daytime, the fear and uncertainty can cast a dark cloud over your life and your future—for you and for your loved ones.
Yet there are reasons to be encouraged. There is, indeed, a gracious and loving God who wants you to ask for help and who will comfort you.
But how do you begin? What do you say? When your mind is screaming “I need a miracle!” how can you cry out to God in a way that will “get through?”
You can find help when you pray these four simple words: “God, please help me.”
It’s not so much the words, but the attitude of your heart—a heart that genuinely wants to seek God and ask for his help.
God understands your pain
Our Creator is familiar with suffering—more than we might realize.
The night before Jesus Christ (the Son of God) was crucified, Scripture tells us he was overwhelmed with fear and sorrow “to the point of death.” He knew the terror of crucifixion he would endure. And on that long night, what did he want most? To be comforted and encouraged by his friends.
You are asking a God for help who has walked the same pathway of fear and dread, who has been overwhelmed in the dark of night. He absolutely knows what you need and is standing ready to help you.
There’s no reason to delay. God is ready and willing to hear your prayer for hope, strength and peace to carry you through the long dark nights of cancer.
It all begins when you pray, “God, please help me.”
The power of “God, please help me”
When you pray “God, please help me” you can find help beyond what you could imagine. Maybe not exactly the way you think, or the timing you expect, but God will be faithful to answer those who call on him. As he says in Psalm 91:15:
“He will call upon Me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble;
I will rescue him and honor him.”
The heart behind the words
Yet how can the words “God, please help me” be so powerful in unlocking the help of God?
These words are powerful when we pray them with the right heart, and with an attitude of humility and belief. None of us seek him perfectly, but here is a helpful posture to have when praying to God:
A willingness to seek hope outside of yourself.
- Seeking hope outside yourself requires humility, and acknowledging someone with greater power and strength. Scripture often refers to God as The Mighty One, The Majestic One, or The Lofty One. He is stronger than we can imagine and has the power to help us in our smallest and greatest difficulties. Colossians 1:17 says that God literally holds all things together…from every molecule in your body to all rulers, powers and authorities. He is over them all.
Belief that God is real, and that he can work on your behalf.
- The words, “God, please help me,” when prayed by a person asking God for help, are more than just sentimentality. They spring from a heart that believes God is real and will respond to your request. As James 4:8 says, “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.” Be confident when you pray to God and ask for help, he hears you and will respond.
Reasons for confidence when you pray
Besides praying with the right heart, here are three more reasons to have confidence when you pray “God, please help me”:
You are doing what God told us to do.
God knew that challenges in this life would bring us to the end of our rope, and we would need help. Several verses in the Bible encourage us to ask for it, including the book of Jeremiah: “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know (Jeremiah 33:3).” In the book of Psalms, David says: “This poor man called, and the LORD heard him; he saved him out of all his troubles (psalm 34:6).” In other words, David didn’t just pray for help in one moment, but he prayed continually…and he continued to see God help him. “Pray without ceasing,” the Apostle Paul also wrote (1 Thessalonians 5:17).
You are giving the God of the universe the chance to answer.
And we should believe that he will. Why? Because he says so. “Ask and it will be given to you,” Jesus says in Matthew 7…” seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” More than an outdated book, the Bible contains the inspired words of God—a God who wants us to ask him for help.
You are unlocking the door to an undefeatable hope.
It is a great mystery. God comes into the midst of our trials and suffering to help give us hope and peace. God has told us this peace can never be completely understood, but it can be ours through prayer, or asking God for help. God provides a hope that helps us in this life, but also in eternity. That’s why the hope he provides is undefeatable. Not even death can defeat this hope.
From distance to relationship
It only makes sense that the more we seek God and know him, the greater our chance of hearing from him again and again.
That’s why an ongoing relationship is so critical to having confidence in God to help you.
As you know, life is complicated and we need to ask for help again and again. Prayer becomes ongoing.
The good news is that prayer builds the relationship. For more about how to begin a relationship with God, see Knowing God Personally.
Do you want to find an undefeatable hope?
Help and hope wait to be found. Are you ready to ask?
It starts when you pray “God, please help me” with a sincere heart. You can be sure he hears you and is ready to answer you.
Reach out to God and find help and hope today, and all your days ahead!
To learn more about prayer, see Asking God for Help.
If you like, our prayer team at Hope Has Arrived will gladly pray for you. You can send us a private prayer request or, check out the Hope Has Arrived Prayer and Support Group on Facebook.
To learn more about how to begin a relationship with God, see Knowing God Personally.
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How to find God’s hope, strength and peace
Note: We are not doctors and we cannot answer your medical questions. However, we welcome your questions about finding hope and knowing God.