Nine Burning Questions About Cancer
What You Are Probably Asking Since Discovering You Have Cancer
by Chris Lawrence
With cancer, you face a crisis—perhaps the worst of your life. You are probably asking lots of questions about cancer, and many of them do not have easy answers. Yet the flurry of them can be maddening and at some point, you may just need to look them square in the eye, and try to find some answers. Now.
The following is an attempt to answer some of the common questions about cancer that you might be asking since you were diagnosed.
1. How did this happen?
Statistically, 1 out of every 2 men and 1 out of every 3 women will get cancer at some point in their lifetime. The details of how and why are complex, but factors like genetics, lifestyle, and environment play a significant role.
2. Why is this happening to me?
With the discovery of your diagnosis, it’s natural to ask this question. Why me? Why now? There is a mysterious element of suffering that cannot be easily answered and is often beyond our finite understanding. To explore more about this topic, read (“Where is God in the Midst of Tragedy.”)
3. How do I handle the fear?
Even a minor brush with cancer brings a flurry of uncertainties and fear. Many do survive cancer, but confronting our fear of death is no small matter and cannot be taken lightly. We need hope—a powerful anticipation of good—like we have never needed it before! Hope is what helps us face our fear and gives us courage. As you may know, courage is not the absence of fear, but the strength to face it. For more about fear, read Fighting the Fear of Cancer.
4. How do I make the best decisions for my treatment?
The shock of hearing you have cancer puts you in a fog. Yet, now you must think clearly and make critical decisions about your treatment plan. These decisions can literally mean the difference between life or death. You need wisdom beyond yourself to help you navigate this important time. For more about seeking wisdom read Asking God for Help.
5. How do I find medical breakthroughs?
In the past decade, cancer breakthroughs have been advancing at an unprecedented rate. According to organizations like National Cancer Institute, Cancer Research Institute and many others, people formerly condemned to die are now finding medical hope—even those with incurable or metastatic cancer. Ask your doctor for more about breakthroughs and also search the web and do your own research. But again, we believe it is helpful to find a wisdom beyond yourself in navigating all of these choices.
6. How will I find the strength to face this?
This question about cancer is the kind that helped inspire the creation of this site. Even if you have found the best possible care, cancer will often push you past your physical and emotional limits. You quickly realize your need for strength is beyond what you can sustain in yourself. At Hope Has Arrived, we believe that you can find an inexhaustible source of strength and hope when you look outside of yourself. To learn more, check out the Pathway to Hope.
7. Why do people facing cancer talk so much about hope?
Most people never really think much about hope until theirs is threatened. And something like cancer definitely threatens a person’s hope! Cancer wakes us up to just how important hope is. To explore more read, “Why We Need Hope” in the Pathway to Hope.
8. How will my spirituality or faith help me on this journey?
Cancer is no time for mere sentimentality. You need real hope, and you need it now. When we face a crisis, we naturally assess where we find our hope and what we believe spiritually, evaluating whether this will help carry us through this difficult time. Is what you believe a solid enough foundation on which to stand? This is a critical question about cancer.
9. What practical step can I take to explore my faith and spirituality?
Visit the “finding God” section to explore more about some common questions and about God. You can also read Knowing God Personally to discover more about what it means to have a relationship with the Creator.
Looking for more answers…
This is not an exhaustive list, and you may have many more questions about cancer. Our questions point to our need to look outside of ourselves for help and especially to find hope, something to help carry us through this crisis. At Hope Has Arrived, our aim is to help you discover real and lasting hope, especially spiritually.
Still have questions? Please feel free to ask us a question through “I have a question or comment” link below.
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How to find God’s hope, strength and peace
Note: We are not doctors and we cannot answer your medical questions. However, we welcome your questions about finding hope and knowing God.